Happy New Year to you!
I hope you had a magical Christmas and an exciting (and safe) New Year!
I am very much a goal orientated person so I always make New Year resolutions. In the past they have always been to lose weight or get more organized - the usual things. Because I still have not achieved those they are still on the list, however this year I have one I am excited about.
My 2010 New Year resolution is to become an excellent cook!
I have always been an open the box and stir it together kind of cook. LAZY, I know! Truth is I don't know how to cook! And I am too intimated to just jump in and try new recipes.
ENOUGH of that! Time to experient! I might keep a couple box meals on hand just incase as I get started. I do have to feed my family after all. :)
So, I am hoping you will help me on my cooking adventure. I have created a recipe share site on Facebook. Will you please join my group and post your recipes, tips and tricks there? Here is the link to the group page:
Recipe Share Group on Facebook
I hope you too will learn a few things from this group. Thanks for joining and Happy Cooking!